
Raphael Vaerkhaos

Hello there. This is a collection of all the stuff you can get for free – like CSP brushes or textures and the like – conveniently gathered in this one place.


All of the materials listed here have their own usage licenses applied to them and while most of them will be free for you to use even without crediting me, some may require some measure of credit. Please check the accompanying license for details on how you’re allowed to use the work.


Sparkly Rainbow Brushes (for CSP)

These are some SUPER FANCY sparkly rainbow brushes for CSP. They’re large, (up to 2480x2480px!), they’re blopsy, they’re magnificent. Do not be surprised by their dark color – their glorious glow is only visible when you set the layer they’re on to “Add (Glow)”.
Just experiment a little!

License:This work is licensed under CC0 1.0 CC iconzero icon

Download Sparkly Rainbow Brushes here!